Wednesday 12 February 2014

Achin' from too much bacon

Friday 31st January

Have you ever woken up and felt like somebody has tenderised your body with a mallet, especially your bum cheeks?! 

Today i had that feeling. I think the last three days of actually doing something had caught up with me and the hike yesterday completely finished me off. I haven't really walked properly in 5 months, I have cycling muscles, not walking muscles!

My legs were killing me and I was walking like John Wayne for most of the day so there was only one thing for today, sofa day. I shamefully stayed on the sofa for the majority of the day watching movies or sleeping. It seems like I will have to start afresh with regards to cycling fitness as well, as I have put back on the weight that i worked hard to get rid of over the last 5 months.

It's crazy, I have a body like an African market. It takes ages to clean and make healthy but within seconds its messy again and full of rotten veg.

Whilst Malin typed up her report of what that've done so far and I fell in and out of conscienceness, T-man was busy trying to sort out the car. He returned home not a happy bunny as he couldn't get it today but fingers crossed he can get it soon because if he does I think a wee road trip could be on the cards next week!

I have taken today as my day of rest to prepare for the weekend. I'm not quite sure what's going to happen this weekend but whatever does happen, i'll be ready...

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