
A couple of months previous to my trip i visited a local school in Southampton that were beginning a project on Africa. After hearing about my ride they were keen to get me involved to combine my ride with their project. After a presentation that i took explaining my intentions and what i needed to know about Africa the year 6 kids were set a task of choosing a country in Africa to research. 

A smart comment from a switched on pupil of "what, so Mr Harding is relying on a bunch of 11 year olds to guide him through Africa?" only seemed to spur the kids on. A few weeks later i returned to look through the great booklets and posters that the pupils had clearly worked very hard on and were very proud of. The information gathered was very entertaining and i compared my research with theirs and luckily i hadn't missed too much, as not much seemed to slip through the fingers of these 11 year olds!

I hope this is just the first of many school visits on my trip and when i get back i hope to visit many more local schools to help with more projects and give presentations where i've had first hand experience of Africa with fascinating stories and pictures aswell!

If you know of any schools or clubs that would be interested in my journey then feel free to contact me by using the contact me link on the right hand side. Cheers 

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