Sunday 6 April 2014

Go with the Jo

Wednesday 26th March

I don't know whether it was the mattrice or the pillows but last night's sleep was amazing. To add to this, my morning was pretty darn good aswell, as Jo made bacon butties which I haven't had since England.

The day started with a nice walk through the market. Markets to me are very much the same wherever you go and I normally don't bother with them especially when there's no point buying anything. However, when you're with somebody else markets can be good fun and we had a laugh being very much the only two white people in a very VERY local market.

For lunch Jo picked at some chicken and chips and I had my chicken chips and also the remainder of hers, which was pretty much a whole meal. I was still pretty tired from yesterday's ride and wasn't really up for getting back on the bike and filming so we headed back to the house to chill. As it happened, the weather turned tropical on us and rain stopped play anyway so we eventually (after lots of disappointments with faulty downloads etc) ended up watching a film called was alright!

For dinner we went out to the local Chinese. Jenny didn't come in the end as she had some things to do so it was just myself Jo. I. The way to the Chinese we stopped off at Dragona's house who was kind enough to make me a pizza to take in my ride tomorrow. I had only met her for a few hours! The pizza was amazing and Dragona cooks and sells them out of her home and is apparently very popular with the locals!

The Chinese menu didn't exactly go up to the hundreds as far as options were concerned but the few choices we did have turned out pretty good and a very welcome change from Nsima and goat. As we waited for our meal I ha the pleasure of meeting a local man called Gilbert. Gilbert is one of Jenny's neighbours who has very open and African views on life. Jo has met him once before and he caused such a stir I had already heard about his views before today. Knowing his lively character I provoked a few funny conversations in which I asked Gilbert if Jo had a good job as a TV producer (she does have a very good job) "no" he said "she is not fit for the studio, she should be a housewife. She should clean and wash and pound nuts for dinner" he said. "And is she allowed out of the house?" I asked, "only to take the kids to and from school" he said.

We laughed a lot and I would definately like to here more of his views as it also sounds alot funnier in a Zambian accent. After the Chinese we went back and watched another film to end a really great day. I've made a big fuss about the generosity I've received from locals but here's where the Brits can enter the spotlight. Jenny and Jo have been amazing and if they hadn't of offered and I hadn't of accepted, Choma would've been just another stop on the way to a tourist attraction. Instead, Choma has its own place in my ride and will be one of my Zambian highlights for sure. 

Jo has really made this week enjoyable aswell and I think I will be meeting up with them again in Livingstone as they are both driving down there on Friday for Jenny's birthday. Talk about making every last minute count! That's what I'm trying to do for sure and I'm loving it!

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