Sunday 6 April 2014

Got that fuzzy feeling

Sunday 23rd march

If Friday morning I was as fuzzy as a kiwi fruit and yesterday I was a teddy bear then today I was like Channel 5 in a thunderstorm!

My day started well with Jo coming in to wake me up with some sweets, she wanted to go around the town but i had to decline so we just said our goodbyes. This would not be the end of Jo however as we had planned to meet up again on my way to Livingstone. The morning consisted of some good conversation with Andrew from last night and a Zimbabwean pilot called Geoff. 

Andrew was waiting to be picked up by a local friend who was going to give him a bit of a tour of the town. By the time the guy turned up I was feeling better and I was kindly allowed to join. The tour turned out to be slightly less of a tour and more of a cultural experience into what your average Zambian does on a Sunday in Lusaka...we went to the pub. It was good though as for the most part we were outside and there was good music, lots of people and some unbelievable smells radiating from the BBQ. The butcher's was right next door so the done thing is to buy your meat and get the man on the BBQ to cook it for you. As a group of mates or family, you just sit and have a few drinks and wait for it to be ready.

Due to last night's escapades however, standing in the sun was the last thing I wanted to do and so I had to be anti-social and sit inside by the fan for half the time. The sweats got the better of me unfortunately but I managed to get a brief glimpse of another area of Lusaka and myself and Andrew had a few laughs at what is excepted at Zambian bars. At one point, the Barman didn't have any change so he wrote an IOU on a piece of paper and signed it. We joked if we could see if it would work as legal tender back home in Sainsbury's!

I felt slowly better as we were picked up to leave and the drive back was ironically sobering as the driver was far from it! Drink driving is a scary reality in Africa and I am obviously completely against it. It seems that they are only just beginning to crack down on it with the appearance of warning posters and some police stops but at the moment it is still a huge issue and I was very happy to be back safe and sound at the hostel let me tell you.

We finished the night with some classic football trivia whilst watching the El Classico. I could easily stay in Lusaka for another day but I think that is just because I've met such cool people and its the first time I've felt "at home" since probably my birthday. The skill to travelling though is knowing when to move on and I still have lots to look forward to despite such little time remaining!

Livingstone bound tomorrow, should be a fun four days!

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