Tuesday 12 November 2013

Homeward downs

Friday 8th November

Today's plans were dashed almost instantly when I realised what day it was. Friday in Africa is a nothing day, nothing is open. The banks weren't open for the next two days but that wasn't a major problem, my issue was not being able to get on the internet. If i couldn't get on the internet i couldn't find out whether it was possible to withdraw money in Khartoum and i couldn't contact my parents either. Annoyingly I forgot  yesterday that friday was the weekend as you have no clue of days when you're in the desert but if i had known, i could've gone on the Internet when I arrived.

There was absolutely no point worrying about it. All I had to do was just go on the Internet tomorrow. This would mean losing some cycling time but again, I had to keep having to remind myself that I was in no rush. I'm 5 desert cycling days from Khartoum, I can do a couple of 100 mile days if my money is almost gone. Luckily for me, I think I'm the best person I know when it comes to surviving with no money, I've literally done it all my life.

Today has slowly helped relieve a few  mental issues that will probably constantly bother me on and off until i finish. The trouble with mental issues is that they are much harder to cope with than any physical or Nigel issue and cycling solo is 95% mental in my eyes.

I am the sort of person that if he knows he's going to get somewhere or do something, he wants to do it as soon as physically possible. This is not the same as being impatient, this is more excitable and doing things for want of not wasting time/wasting life.

As it draws nearer to Christmas (without any shadow of a doubt, my favourite time of the year) I have been thinking so much about family and friends. The great support received also from all over the world has kept me going but also kept me thinking of home and how I can't wait to show everybody what I've experienced. 

I've been away from family and friends over Christmas before so thats not the main issue but recently hearing that there will be two new additions that I haven't seen properly makes it so much harder. I have highs and lows in phases and the fact that today i could do absolutely nothing helped me to realise that it wasn't the end of the world and that once again i should embrace it. 

Over Christmas I know I will be good as I'm sure Africa has lots in store to keep my mind off things but helplessness combined with the absolute solitary feeling that comes with riding in the desert alone has been a tad hard.

Just writing this blog now has cheered me up as I could at least get it off my chest and give it to my iPhone to deal with. Yes, you read it correctly, my iPhone. So if you think some of my blogs have been poor with regards to grammar, spelling and punctuation, just bear in mind I'm doing it all on a tiny screen with fat, uncontrollable thumbs and blurred vision. My hand cramps are temporary but if I end this trip needing glasses I'm going to sue Africa!

At this point I would normally delete all the blog and write something else but this one is going to stay. I've realised I won't be able to upload it for days possibly weeks so by then I would've had at least 20-30 peaks then troughs so putting this one down in the blog won't seem too bad. I know its still over a month till Christmas as well but if I were home I would've probably seen Elf, Muppets Christmas Carol and Home Alone twice in preparation.

As well as the blog helping with my down feeling, I took a little walk around the market place. Despite everything being closed there were still many smiling faces, happy hellos, waves from kids and it dawned on me properly that I'm going to be here a while. As crazy and as distant as it feels, this is my life at the moment, things are going to be much better if i don't just wish it away until I'm finished.

Im now happy to write that I'm embracing and embraced by the family of Sudan. Just don't mention Christmas till December 26th!

P.s I'm also thinking those weird prune/nut things I ate at the water shelter a couple of days ago were dried dates, the only date i'll be getting for a while....

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