Monday 13 January 2014

New friends, New home

Tuesday 7th January

This morning was a struggle. After more selfies and videos and a few prods I knew it was just bruising. The shoulder had a solid lump sticking out of it for starters and the electrical pains were exactly the same as when I broke my arm.

I packed Nigel very carefully and had to push him a couple of miles to the Norwegians house. I took the quieter dusty roads in an attempt to avoid attention and bumps from the crowds. It was tough but I'm very lucky to be able to rest in a house that is secure and is really well positioned.

We went to the local supermarket where I bought all the ingredients of a Full English breakfast and made them one to say thanks. It's amazing what you can do with one good arm and a suspected fracture. I was pretty chuffed with how it all panned out. Sausage, bacon, egg (slightly cooked too long) beans, fried tomato and bread. Forgot the mushrooms but it was the first time I have cooked for anyone in about 3 years (not including doing the meat at a BBQ) Most normal people know me and they know their stomachs aren't strong enough to handle what I produce so the Norwegians were taking a huge risk unknowingly.

So far I've heard no complaints from them so I think I passed the test and after breakfast we chilled for a bit. It's nice to have a westernised area to sit, relax and feel at home in, despite African chaos and wildlife being just metres away.

Later on we went to the Mall to experience a little taste of America and I saw more muzumbo's there then I had done in the whole Africa previously. We had some cake and a drink in the coffee shop and just like my relationship with the policemen, it felt like the three of us had been friends for years!

We did a quick shop for dinner and returned home to a beautiful evening and some well made nachos by Malin. The garden is big and gets sun all day so I can see myself relaxing out there with a few beers quite a lot in days to come.

Tomorrow the plan is hospital. I'm pretty sure its broken so will just have to wait and see how badly. As I've said before though, I'm so lucky to be where I am and I will just have to  try and make the most of the healing days.

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