Friday 3 January 2014

Prison 'Christmas' break

Saturday 28th December

After another hot and sticky night the cool breeze of the morning sunrise was a welcome sight. Breakfast today was porridge but not how we know it. They add some sort of powder from a sugum plant which basically turns the porridge into glue. It is a taste I am yet to embrace with full open arms and I have to force myself to get it down as there is nothing else and I don't want to be ungrateful.

I'm mastering the art of staying cool, I'm doing nothing. The time spent here is doing wonders for my recovery as I'm managing to really enjoy doing absolutely nothing. It's not easy, its still very hot but at least i have other people around to agree with me that its still very hot and they are also happy enough to lie down on the veranda and do nothing with me.

We had chapattis for lunch today so they took some time to make which took up the morning. They were lovely as well and a welcome change from ugali.

After lunch is when the heat really kicks in and you have to try and do less than nothing. I took the time to think about anything and everything. 

I've never been in the army but this is how I imagine it to be like out in Afghanistan. The officers have the brotherly relationship as its just the five of them together for weeks at a time. There are two other units a few km's either side of the station. The RDU (rapid deployment unit) and GSU (general service unit) both these camps are funded and get much more provided like TV and food but are a lot stricter.  It is very common to get constant visitors from both camps wanting to hang out with the police officers which is why Christmas day was so busy.

The atmosphere is very army like as we are so far from anywhere and the ever present camouflage uniforms and varying types of gun lying around does make me forget that I'm just a cyclist and I'm not actually a soldier.

Now I have surviving the daytime heat down to a fine art, dinner time comes around quicker followed by mosquito time. The Major, John said that the vehicle should leave camp before the 30th. I really hope it is not later, more for my parent's sake than mine as I know I'm safe but unfortunately they don't!

I will hopefully find out tomorrow. Another day down, let's hope I can move on soon!

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