Monday 27 January 2014

Puzzle pizzas

Saturday 25th January

There wasn't much on the agenda today. A weekly Skype session and making homemade pizza were the only two things pencilled in...tough day ay?

I went to my local watering hole in town that has reasonable wifi to Skype but today it was playing up. Malin and T-man were off fighting the markets for bargains so I met up with them later for a few a drinks. 

As I've said before, time is flying by and although it seems I've been here for ages, everyday seems to pass with a blink. I've established a routine similar to living back home but it will never be the same as this is Africa after all. Mazungo's in Nakuru are typically teachers or volunteers and they do what you would expect them to do, hang out in the nice coffee shops and live for the weekend. The actions are the same but the surroundings are so very different so the likelihood of something completely random happening are very high. 

Myself and Team Norway tend to live for the day and the three of us love and embrace randomness and spontaneity. In recent days we have scrapped plans and ended up staying in town but today we had to fight our way out of the beer garden and back home to make pizzas.

The pizza's were a great success and they represented the teamwork that the three of us have established so quickly. Malin made the sauce and prepared all the ingredients, Torbjoern made the dough and pushed them out to size and I created the stuffed crusts, topped (with Malin's help) and cooked them. The three of us were like one pizza making conveyor and I really made the most of the end product as I know it won't be long before I'm back to packet noodles and biscuits!

A movie and an early (ish) night came next as tomorrow we are meeting at half 8 for what I think will be a long hot day cleaning the market.

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